A flash sci-fi story about stars, published by AE
A short, cold tale, ‘Pull the Plug’ looks at energy conservation. It follows a cardboard sign wielding ‘doomsayer’ as he desperately tries to convince people to conserve energy, before it’s too late…
I’m thrilled to see it find its home with AE, in their ‘Stargazers: Microtales from the Cosmos’ anthology! A beautifully illustrated collection of 20 flash fiction pieces, it features original illustrations by the amazing Toronto artist Bree Main, printed in gorgeous Riso by locally owned and operated Vide Press.
Available in both Hardcopy and eBook format, Stargazers showcases new and under-represented voices in science fiction. Alongside astral explorers you get a chance to count down the clock in an intergalactic tourist agency, fight celestial starcopies with ninjutsu, witness the flashpoint of a revolution, get the downlow on astronomer-brand adultery, and even reconnect with literary icon Lady MacBeth.
AE is Canadian Science Fiction. They publish weekly short fiction that explores worlds that could be, paying authors fair rates and promoting under-represented voices. It is volunteer-run by authors and fans who believe that a vibrant, professional market for Canadian science fiction is something worth doing.